HOME - cook & seeing - Apple university kitchen - Beer-like Apple jelly

Beer-like Apple jelly

Beer-like Apple jelly

Ingredients (For two people)

  • Apple juice(100% fruit juice) 300cc
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • Powdered gelatin 5g
  • 2 tbsp water


1. 1. Bring the apple juice to room temperature. Sprinkle gelatin powder in water and let it soak.

Bring the apple juice to room temperature. Sprinkle gelatin powder in water and let it soak.

2. 2. Put apple juice and sugar in a bowl and stir well until the sugar dissolves.

Put apple juice and sugar in a bowl and stir well until the sugar dissolves.

3. 3. Heat the soaked gelatin in the microwave to melt it (600 W for about 20 seconds), add it to the bowl of 2 and mix well.

Heat the soaked gelatin in the microwave to melt it (600 W for about 20 seconds), add it to the bowl of 2 and mix well.

4. 4. Mix the bowl with ice water, and when it becomes thick, pour it until about the 70% of the bowl.

Mix the bowl with ice water, and when it becomes thick, pour it until about the 70% of the bowl.

5. 5. Whisk the remaining jelly liquid with a whisk while applying ice water again.

Whisk the remaining jelly liquid with a whisk while applying ice water again.

6. 5. Put the foam on it with a spoon, cool it in the refrigerator and harden it.

Put the foam on it with a spoon, cool it in the refrigerator and harden it.

Key point!

If you use cold juice immediately after taking it out of the refrigerator, the melted gelatin will become lumpy and will not harden well, so be sure to use juice that has been returned to room temperature.